Get Involved

Lone Star Fur Con relies on you, the attendees! Each year our attendees not only give us someone to create content for, but also assist in making LSFC happen! From Staff to Volunteers and everything in between – LSFC is built by you!

So, what are your options?

Art by MangoWiki


Don’t have the time or interest in committing to Staff, but still want to help? There’s Volunteering.

Volunteers help out here and there for a couple of hours at a time, based on your availability. You could be helping hand out stuff in Registration while the staff process people in, helping re-arrange a room between events, guarding the vendor hall, or any number of small tasks.

You can sign up ahead of time, which we greatly appreciate, or you can just walk up to the table at LSFC and say hi!

Join our staff!

The staff members of LSFC are involved in planning year-round and ensure the smooth operation of the convention. These positions require long hours and dedication. Often times, this is equivalent to a part time job. In the weeks leading up to the event, the workload will often increase as well.

Staff members receive

  • Free or reduced admission

  • Catered Staff Meal

  • Access to the staff lounge